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Signs of A Toxic Relationship and How to Deal

Signs of A Toxic Relationship and How to Deal
Created At 16 Jan, 2024
Relationship , Love
Category Love-Related Issues

If you are in a toxic relationship, you might feel like you are trapped in a cycle of pain, guilt, and confusion. You might wonder why your partner treats you so badly, and what you can do to make things better. You might also blame yourself for the problems, and feel like you don't deserve any better.

But you are not alone, and you are not hopeless. There are ways to cope with a toxic relationship, and even break free from it, if you choose to. In this blog post, We will share some psychological tips on how to deal with a toxic relationship, and how to take care of yourself in the process.

Meaning of Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship is one that harms your well-being, and prevents you from growing as a person. A toxic relationship can be abusive, manipulative, controlling, or neglectful. 

10 Signs of A Toxic Relationship:

  1. Feeling of Loneliness and lack of love in your life
  2. Feeling unhappy, anxious, or depressed most of the time.
  3. Having low self-esteem, and doubting your own worth and abilities.
  4. Feeling like you have to follow your partner blindly, and avoid certain topics or behaviors that might provoke their anger or criticism.
  5. Feeling isolated from your friends and family, or your partner discourages you from seeing them.
  6. Feeling like you have to change yourself to please your partner, or to avoid their disapproval or punishment.
  7. Feeling like you have no voice or choice in the relationship, and that your partner makes all the decisions for you.
  8. Feeling as if you are constantly giving more than you are receiving, and your partner takes advantage of your kindness and generosity.
  9. Feeling as if you are being lied to, cheated on, or betrayed by your partner.
  10. Feeling afraid of your partner, or of what they might do if you leave them.

Why do people stay in toxic relationships?

There are many reasons why people stay in toxic relationships, even when they know they are unhealthy and harmful. Some of these reasons are:

  • They love their partner, and hope that they will change for the better.
  • They are afraid of being alone, or of not finding someone else who will love them.
  • They are afraid of their partner's reaction, or of the consequences of leaving them.
  • They are financially dependent on their partner, or have children or other commitments that make it hard to leave.
  • They have low self-esteem, and believe that they deserve the treatment they receive.
  • They are in denial, and minimize or rationalize the problems in the relationship.
  • They are addicted to the drama, or the highs and lows of the relationship.
  • They have a history of trauma or abuse, and have learned to cope with it in unhealthy ways.

Psychological Way to Deal With a Toxic Relationship

Dealing with a toxic relationship is not easy, but it is possible. Here are some steps you can take to cope with it:

1. Recognize that you are in a toxic relationship. 

The first step is to admit that there is a problem, and that it is not your fault. You are not responsible for your partner's behaviour, and you cannot change them. You can only change yourself, and how you respond to them.

2. Seek support from relationship counsellors. 

You don't have to go through this alone. Reach out to people who care about you, such as friends, family, or the expert relationship counsellors who understand how to deal with such situations. They can offer you emotional support, practical advice, or resources that can help you. They can also help you see things more clearly, and remind you of your worth and strength.

3. Set boundaries with your partner. 

Boundaries are the limits that you set for yourself and others, to protect your well-being and happiness. Boundaries can help you communicate your needs and expectations, and assert your rights and preferences. Boundaries can also help you avoid unnecessary conflicts, and reduce the impact of your partner's toxicity on you.

Some examples of boundaries are:

  • Saying no to things that make you uncomfortable or unhappy.
  • Asking for respect and honesty from your partner.
  • Expressing your feelings and opinions without fear or guilt.
  • Asking for space and time when you need it.
  • Choosing what activities or hobbies you want to pursue.
  • Deciding who you want to spend time with.

4. Practice self-care. 

Self-care is the act of taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Self-care can help you cope with stress, heal from trauma, and boost your self-esteem. Self-care can also help you reconnect with yourself, and rediscover your passions and purpose.

Some examples of self-care are:

  • Eating healthy and balanced meals.
  • Getting enough sleep and rest.
  • Exercising regularly and staying active.
  • Meditating or doing yoga.
  • Reading a book or watching a movie.
  • Listening to music or playing an instrument.
  • Writing a journal or drawing a picture.
  • Taking a bath or getting a massage.
  • Spending time in nature or with animals.
  • Learning something new or taking a class.

5. Evaluate your relationship. 

After you have taken some steps to cope with your toxic relationship, you might want to evaluate your situation and decide what you want to do next. You might want to ask yourself some questions, such as:

  • How do I feel in this relationship?
  • How does this relationship affect my well-being and happiness?
  • What are the pros and cons of staying in this relationship?
  • What are my goals and values in life?
  • What are my needs and wants in a relationship?
  • How does this relationship align with them?
  • What are the risks and benefits of leaving this relationship?
  • What are the obstacles and challenges of leaving this relationship?
  • How can I overcome them?

6. Make a decision. 

Based on your evaluation, you might decide to stay in the relationship, or to leave it. Either way, you should make a decision that is best for you, and that respects your dignity and safety. You should also make a plan that supports your decision, and that prepares you for the possible outcomes.

If you decide to stay in the relationship, you should:

  • Continue to set boundaries and practice self-care.
  • Seek professional help, such as counseling or therapy, for yourself and your partner.
  • Monitor the progress and changes in the relationship, and be ready to re-evaluate your decision if needed.

If you decide to leave the relationship, you should:

  • Seek financial assistance, if needed, to secure your independence and stability.
  • Seek safety measures, if required, to prevent or escape from violence or abuse.
  • Seek emotional support, from friends, family, or relationship counsellor, to cope with the breakup and the aftermath.
  • Seek healing activities, such as therapy, support groups, or hobbies, to recover from the trauma and move on with your life.


A toxic relationship can be very damaging and painful, but it is not impossible to deal with it. By following some psychological tips given above, you can cope with a toxic relationship, and even break free from it, if you choose to. You can also take care of yourself, and find happiness and peace within yourself. Remember that you are not alone, and that you deserve love and respect. You are stronger than you think.