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10 Psychological Tips to Move on From Breakup

10 Psychological Tips to Move on From Breakup
Created At 06 Jan, 2024
Relationship , Love , Personal Life
Category Love-Related Issues

We know that breakups are hard. You may be feeling sad, angry, lonely, and confused. You might wonder what went wrong, what you could have done differently, or how you can ever trust someone again. You might also struggle with your self-esteem, your productivity, or your social life.

But don't worry, you're not alone. There are millions of people who have gone through the same thing and came out stronger and happier. Remember breakups are not the end of the world. They are an opportunity to learn, grow, and heal. You can move on from a breakup and find happiness again.  In this blog post, I'm going to discuss the issues faced after a breakup and also share with you some tips on how to move from a breakup and start living your best life.

Issues Facing After Breakup:
Personal (Mental and Emotional) & Professional

Breakups can be hard to deal with, both personally and professionally. They can affect your mental and emotional well-being, as well as your productivity and performance at work. Some of the issues you may face after a breakup include:

  • Feeling sad, angry, guilty- Breaking up can be hard, especially if you invested a lot of time and energy in the relationship. You might feel a range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, guilt, or loneliness.

  • Feeling of Loneliness- Sometimes, you might feel like you're alone and no one understands what you're going through. You might isolate yourself from others or avoid social situations.

  • Feeling of being a loser- You might also feel like you're a failure or a loser for not being able to make the relationship work. You might blame yourself or your ex-partner for what went wrong.

  • Having trouble sleeping, eating, or concentrating- The post breakup feelings can affect your daily life, such as your sleep, appetite, concentration, or mood.

  • Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy- You might lose interest in things that used to make you happy or motivated.

  • Having low self-esteem or confidence- You might have low self-esteem or confidence and doubt your worth or abilities. You might experience anxiety, depression, or stress that interfere with your well-being.

  • Can't Control Thinking About the person- You might find it hard to stop thinking about your ex-partner or the relationship. You might replay the past in your mind or wonder what could have been different.

  • Began to Stalk the Person- You might also feel tempted to stalk your ex-partner on social media or in real life. You might want to know what they're doing, who they're with, or if they miss you.

  • Difficulty in Focus in Professional Life- Your professional life might suffer as well. You might have difficulty focusing on your work or meeting your deadlines. You might perform poorly or make mistakes that affect your career.

  • Finding drug-abuse as a mental relief- You might also turn to unhealthy coping strategies, such as drug abuse, alcohol, or binge eating. These can have negative consequences for your health and safety.

  • Having conflicts or misunderstandings with your ex-partner, co-workers, or friends- You might also have trouble getting along with others, such as your co-workers, friends, or family. You might have conflicts or misunderstandings that strain your relationships.

  • Finding it difficult to move on or start a new relationship- Lastly, you might find it difficult to move on or start a new relationship. You might feel stuck in the past or afraid of getting hurt again.

How to Move on from a Breakup

Here are some tips on how to cope with a breakup and start a new chapter in your life.

1. Cut off all contact from the ex partner

This may sound harsh, but it is necessary to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of nostalgia, resentment, or hope. You need to give yourself space and time to heal, and that means not seeing, talking, texting, or stalking your ex on social media. If you have to communicate with them for practical or professional  reasons, keep it civil and brief. Otherwise, Do not try to contact him/her unnecessarily. However, there is no need to delete their number or block them.

2. Normalise the breakup event by having discussion on it.

It is normal to feel a range of emotions after a breakup, such as sadness, anger, relief, or even numbness. Don't bottle up your feelings or pretend that everything is fine. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, therapist, relationship counsellor or support group. Expressing your thoughts and feelings can help you process what happened, gain perspective, and release tension.

3. Appreciate the past-relationship

Even if the breakup was painful or messy, there must have been some good times and positive aspects of the relationship. Instead of focusing on the negatives or blaming yourself or your ex for what went wrong, try to remember the things you learned, enjoyed, or appreciated about your ex and the relationship. This can help you heal from the hurt and resentment, and also acknowledge the growth and value that the relationship brought to your life.

4. Always appreciate your ex partner

This may sound counterintuitive, but it is actually a healthy way to move on from a breakup. Appreciating your ex partner does not mean that you want them back or that you agree with everything they did or said. It means that you respect them as a person, recognise their strengths and weaknesses, and wish them well. By doing this, you can free yourself from bitterness and anger, and also cultivate gratitude and compassion.

5. Have positive people in life

After a breakup, it is important to surround yourself with people who love and support you. They can offer you comfort, advice, distraction, or just a listening ear. Spend time with your friends and family, or join a club, class, or hobby group that interests you. Having a strong social network can boost your mood, self-esteem, and resilience.

6. Focus on your personal life growth

A breakup can be a chance to rediscover yourself and pursue your goals and dreams. Think about what you want to do with your life, what makes you happy, and what challenges you want to overcome. Then take action to make it happen. You can start by setting small and realistic goals, such as taking a course, applying for a job, travelling to a new place, or trying a new activity. As you achieve your goals, you will feel more confident, fulfilled, and optimistic.

7. Start learning new skills

Learning new skills can be a great way to cope with a breakup and improve yourself. It can help you distract yourself from the pain of the breakup, stimulate your brain, expand your horizons, and meet new people. You can learn anything that interests you or benefits you, such as a language, an instrument, a sport, a craft, or a software program. You can find online courses, books, videos, podcasts, or tutors to help you learn.

8. Don't try to make your ex partner jealous

This is a common mistake that people make after a breakup. They think that by dating someone else quickly, flaunting their new life on social media, or badmouthing their ex to others, they can make their ex regret losing them or want them back. But this is not only immature and disrespectful; it is also counterproductive and self-sabotaging. It can make you look desperate and insecure; it can hurt your chances of finding a genuine and healthy relationship; and it can prevent you from moving on.

9. Try to make a new relationship

When you feel ready to date again after a breakup; don't rush into it or settle for less than you deserve; take your time to heal; know what you want; be open-minded; be honest; be respectful; have fun; don't compare; don't rebound.

10. Take Help from a Relationship Counsellor

If you are struggling with the breakup and feel like you need professional help, don't hesitate to seek it out. A relationship counsellor can help you understand why the breakup happened, how to cope with it, and how to move on in a healthy way. They can also help you improve your communication skills, self-esteem, and relationship expectations.

I hope these tips help you move from a breakup and start living your best life. Remember that you are not alone, and that you are amazing. You have so much to offer to the world, and so much to look forward to. Don't let a breakup define you or stop you from being happy. You can do this!